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The Winery TV Series

The TV series are in English, and the international broadcasts and the web are their target. The Winery is aired in England on some free digital TV, and on Video On demand.

Each episode lasts 24 minutes, and tells a 3-day tour on a specific territory. An immersive experience, guided by winemakers, wineries entrepreneurs, managers of accommodation facilities and tourists.

Excerpts of the episodes and videos shot in the companies, are distributed online on various platforms and on social media, such as YouTube, on Facebook, and Instagram.

How is it structured?

Each episode of The Winery tells a tour within a specific territory.

Every single episode tells about a tour within a specific area, with shots of the area and interviews with the tourists, local producers, local deputies of municipalities, corporations and consortiums as well as the tourist facilities. A three days journey that will show us the history and all the features of the area, valorizing museums, parks and all the touristic routes within.

Who is it addressed to?

The Winery TV Series aims to promote the areas where wine is grown in the world, with their main landscape, art and cultural attractions, its typical local wine and olive oil and food producers, the incoming facilities and all those small and large firms who intend to increase and promote their brands abroad, introducing them to tourists, distribution networks and final consumers.

Wine and food and producers

video demo


video demo

Restaurants, Small retailers

video demo

Public and Private Institutions, Consortiums

video demo

How to participate

Customer Experience

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